Research Paper

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Source: The Hermitage and Institutional Change

This article illustrates the management of a museum (very large, 3 million objects and a staff of over 2000) that was faced with specific problems and specific opportunities at the collapse of the Soviet Union. This article is written by Stuart Gibson, and international consultant. He has advised numerous cultural organizations and governments throughout the FSU (note to self, find out what that is...). This article highlights the museum staff's will to survive despite the challenges. Also the will to expand and take advantage of the opportunities presented to them.
I chose this article because it's getting late and I need to get out of here quick! Besides that, it again shows a team that actually did accomplish the establishment of a succesful, effective museum. There are various issues that they needed to address... and they did it. It is possible. I will use this article to explore how it can be done, working on the definitive argument that it can in fact be done, and the rewards for doing so are awesome.


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